

Monday, 21 November 2016

Jánské Koupele, Czech Republic - November 2016

This former spa sits on the outskirts of the small town of Vitkov, Czech Republic now lies abandoned following a mixed history of spa resort, training camp for the Hilter Youth, prison camp and sanatorium.

Visited with Tbolt, Zer081 and Tindog.

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele




Jánské Koupele

Jánské Koupele

Nothing much to add really, a rather secluded spot, wild deer with monster antlers. Pretty ripe for scenes of terror, in a 'Severance' kind of way.

7/10 - A long, long drive from Prague or even Brno for that matter.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Sedlec Ossuary, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic - October 2016

Halloween and according to my daughter, this chapel is in the official top ten of the most spookiest places on the planet. Hmmmm.

All I would say is make the effort, jump in a car and drive around the wonderful country that is the Czech Republic, however make sure you arrive early morning at Sedlec Ossuary to avoid the tourist buses as it is not the biggest of places.

Sedlec Ossuary

This Roman Catholic chapel dates back to around the 15th century and contains the skeletons of between 40,000 and 70,000 people.

Sedlec Ossuary

In 1870, Frantisek Rint, a woodcarver by trade, was employed by the Schwarzenberg family to put the heaps of bones into order and his work remains to this day.

Sedlec Ossuary

Sedlec Ossuary

Sedlec Ossuary

Sedlec Ossuary

Sedlec Ossuary

Sedlec Ossuary

Sedlec Ossuary

Sedlec Ossuary

As current work to repair the chapel continues yet more skeletal remains are slowly being discovered and are being fully documented.

Sedlec Ossuary

All in all excellent, but sadly my daughter's list of spookiest places disappoints on spookiness yet again, although I wouldn't fancy being locked in over night. 9/10

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Bunker 10-Z, Brno, Czech Republic - November 2016

A nuclear bunker, under a castle in a country previously occupied by the Nazis, also formally a Communist state.

Now a museum, oh I should mention you can sleep over and we did.

Sitting under under Spilberk Castle in the Czech city of Brnu is possibly the best hotel I have every stayed in, dimly lit corridors littered with gas masks is always going to make my day.

Your room will be a little dusty, in the period of the Soviet era with bits and pieces of the time hanging around. The showers are basic and period, but lovely and hot. The bunker has a constant temperature of 14c, but your room for the night does have additional heating. Enjoy.

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

Bunker 10-Z

A full tour of the site is given to anyone staying at the bunker, which is a must. Breakfast was a little basic for my liking but the inbunker bar the night before more than made up for it.

9/10 - not to be missed.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Prudential Building, Oldham - October 2016

We had a cunning plan and a cunning plan was executed.

Visited with Blacksnake and Tbolt, early(ish one chilly morning.

Four floors of an old office building, with a nightclub in the basement housed in a Grade II Listed building built in 1889. The property is brick built with a lovely terracotta dressing and described as needing "renovation".












We left as we entered, as sometimes people see what they simply think they see and nothing more  - in the style of  Ninjalicious.

7/10 from me.