Did you hear Bolton got a big wheel for Christmas ? The town with no money got a bloody great wheel, 100ft of a beast, a present from a council with no money.
With millions of pounds having been slashed from Bolton Council's budget - effecting everything around the town - social care, parks and recreation, road repairs (you name it, its likely to be have been or will be cut) and further savings of £22 million on the cards for 2014, plus a further estimated £25 million also expected to be announced .
Well I had to walk past the thing everyday, so I might as well take some photos.

Then I flew over it, so I took some photos...

and then I flew over it some more...

Dear Cllr Cliff Morris, come December 2014 may I suggest that with the town falling into such a state of shit we have the big wheel again except with a Pripyat theme around the town.
To quote one of the flocking crowd "yeh great view, you can see all kinds of shit".

With millions of pounds having been slashed from Bolton Council's budget - effecting everything around the town - social care, parks and recreation, road repairs (you name it, its likely to be have been or will be cut) and further savings of £22 million on the cards for 2014, plus a further estimated £25 million also expected to be announced .
Well I had to walk past the thing everyday, so I might as well take some photos.

Then I flew over it, so I took some photos...

and then I flew over it some more...

Dear Cllr Cliff Morris, come December 2014 may I suggest that with the town falling into such a state of shit we have the big wheel again except with a Pripyat theme around the town.
To quote one of the flocking crowd "yeh great view, you can see all kinds of shit".