

Monday, 27 February 2012

Urbex - the movies ! and a pitch

Urbex in the movies, hmmmm - your worst nightmare, the film is going to be either total shite or the next time you go exploring you end up a nervous wreck.

Personally I've always thought Huncoat Powerstation would make a good location for a zombie film, or locals surrounding the building with flaming torches.

Huncoat Powerstation

I can just picture the marauding hourde (with or without flaming torches) coming across the wasteland.

Huncoat Powerstation

I came up with a cracking idea for a urbex horror (well I thought so), a pitch as they call it in the trade, but whilst having these idle daydreams at work one day I then started trawling the net as you do.

First nugget I came across was that Paramount Pictures contacted the owners of the ship Duke of Lancaster

Turns out they wanted to use the location for the new Brad Pitt film World War Z.

Ghost Ship

But nothing came of it by the sounds of things.

So Urbex horror, first up is Urban Explorers. Not one I've seen on the shelves of our local Asda, but here is the trailer in all its glory.

Oh, here we go a longer one

Next up, Death Tunnel, set in an old hospital/asylum type place so not sure about the name of the film. Looks interesting this one (to me).

 Session 9, inspired, it is said by an unoffical visit to Danvers State Hospital

Anyway, here is my pitch (it was a shit day at the office) that I dream't up...

 Asylum Seeker - leave nothing but footprints

(nice tagline don't you think ? ok, no)

Urbexers explore the rotting buildings around us.

Urbexers explore the rotting buildings around us

Documenting the decay of industry & the forgotten world around us.

Documenting the decay of industry & the forgotten world around us

Ever wondered whats in that old building you pass as you run for your train ?

Ever wondered whats in that old building your pass as you run for your train ?

What would you find ?

What would you find ?

 The doors that slam and the floors that creak...

The doors that slam and the floors that creak

Dare you enter the abandoned asylum ? Sprawling houses of madness hiding the many dark secrets best forgotten.

The pinnacle of Urbex is the abandoned asylum, sprawling houses of madness hiding many dark secrets best forgotten

You avoid the security, the metal thieves, the weed farmers and the homeless in the decaying victorian factories. But the asylum is empty ? slowly rotting....

You avoid the security, the metal thieves, the weed farmers and the homeless in the decaying victorian factories. The asylum is empty ? slowly rotting

What lurks in the shadows ?

 what lurks in the shadows ?



For the kill !

for the kill

Leaving nothing, but footprints...

leaving nothing but footprints

Hang on, hang on,  if you are a film producer, email me, I have more ideas  - Lawn of the Dead, just think Crown Green Bowling with zombies, it has hit written all over it.

Plus loads more.......

Sunday, 26 February 2012

RAF Croft

Another easy mooch on an extremely wet day last year.

RAF Croft became tenanted by the USAF in 1955 to provide a processing point for personnel and dependants when Burtonwood was assigned the additional function of a MATS terminal for passenger flights between the US and UK.  The terminal was located at Prestwick in Scotland.

This is a very gentle site, which to be honest is why Urban Spaceman and I visited, I was at the time popped up on painkillers on painkillers and shouldn't have been playing out.

It would seem some very new keep out and asbestos warning signs had appeared, but onwards we go, take a seat....

RAF Croft

RAF Croft

RAF Croft

RAF Croft

RAF Croft

RAF Croft

- an old theatre/cinema on site

RAF Croft

 RAF Croft

RAF Croft

The local taxis service left a little to be desired....

The local taxis service left a little to be desired

RAF Croft

RAF Croft

RAF Croft

Totally soaked and covered in muck we left and I went home for a bath.

 RAF Croft

Crack the Surface - Urbex documentaries

Very interesting professional videos on urbex by SilentUK.

These guys are at the pinnacle of urban exploration, helps to explain why we do it - but if you don't get it, you don't get it and never will ?

Enjoy !

Crack The Surface - Episode I from SilentUK on Vimeo.

Crack The Surface - Episode II from SilentUK on Vimeo.


Urbex Shitstorms Feb 2012

Am I guilty of easy explores ? I possibly am, but given a spinal injury last year I'm going to use that as an excuse (a lot better thanks).

A few headlines on the urbex front this week and my advice, learn't a long time ago, some things are stupid and somethings should not be posted online.

First off, Britannia Bridge, I flew over here in January, its a bit high with the Menia Straits below

Britannia Bridge, Menai Strait

Other photos and reports of explores have been on the "usual" websites for ages, but this week they started to be deleted as worried explorers started to have sleepless nights over this


Next up people in very high places get very upset and embarrassed about gaps in security and try to crush human rights (read this article!!!)


My thoughts, as cutbacks kick in for police forces and as factories close, this wonderful country is slowly turning into a urbex paradise. Sometimes you should say no and skip some explores or perhaps not post the pics and reports.

Oh and just in case your wondering would I have done these explores, the answer is

Bridge -no !
Underground - yes ! (but for avoidance of doubt I haven't)

Huncoat Powerstation - Part 1

"Part 1?" you say....

Huncoat Powerstation for those who don't know it, is, well a dead power station. If Huncoat was a restaurant it would be a Mcdonalds, possibly a drive thru - a guilty pleasure.

Is it Urbex ? Well it was was a one point, but you can now simply walk in from the side of the road, its been stripped naked of anything remotely metal, anything burnable has been burnt, anything you could possibly vandalize has been.

So whats the attraction ?

Well the silence, on wet day the dripping noises, its location, its ease of entry, its graffiti, it is simply Huncoat.

For many urban explorers in Northern England their first explore was a Huncoat mooch and its a place that just keeps giving with the graffiti changing all the time.

Many non Urbex photographers pop into Huncoat, its that kind of place.....

 My first trip to Huncoat, was pretty much my first Urbex mooch, so Urban Spaceman and I visited one saturday lunch time. As I said above, the first thing you notice is the silence.

Huncoat Powerstation

 Huncoat Powerstation

 Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

 Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

 my goodself, taken by Rob

 Huncoat Powerstation

We came, we mooched, we snapped away on the cameras, we where Urbexers ! Then the feeling someone else was in the building, we are newbies in all this and we stop and listen - silence and dripping water.

We stop again, silence, and off we go upstairs and

 The Model Urbexer

You see, its that kind of place, want to do a photoshoot for a sports catalogue this it would seem is the place to do it.

 The Model Urbexer

 Huncoat Powerstation

I must at this point drop into the blog a shout to the girls Zoie and Yvette, and plug the website of Zoie, the quality of her photography blows me away and she does have an urbex interest, just check out her ballerina shots at Rosebank Mill http://www.zoie-photography.com/

- Should say they gave us some pointers to a few local explores.

The Model Urbexer


Any way on with the pics

 Huncoat Powerstation

Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

Huncoat Powerstation

 Huncoat Powerstation

 Huncoat Powerstation

 Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

 Urbex spider

 Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

 Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

Huncoat Powerstation

Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

 Huncote Powerstation - Revisited

 Huncoat Powerstation

Part 2 to follow but in the mean time, see you at Huncoat.

Oh, September 2013 a group of us had a wool spinning night at Huncoat