This former spa sits on the outskirts of the small town of Vitkov, Czech Republic now lies abandoned following a mixed history of spa resort, training camp for the Hilter Youth, prison camp and sanatorium.

Nothing much to add really, a rather secluded spot, wild deer with monster antlers. Pretty ripe for scenes of terror, in a 'Severance' kind of way.
7/10 - A long, long drive from Prague or even Brno for that matter.
Follow @fragglehunter
Visited with Tbolt, Zer081 and Tindog.

Nothing much to add really, a rather secluded spot, wild deer with monster antlers. Pretty ripe for scenes of terror, in a 'Severance' kind of way.
7/10 - A long, long drive from Prague or even Brno for that matter.
Follow @fragglehunter