

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Mother Riley's Cottage, Lancashire - June 2016

One rather damp summer evening in Lancashire, after info from Luigidawn,  we visited this abandoned cottage with its jungle of a garden. We being myself, Tbolt and Zer081.


The dark, cramped cottage was not the best of places to work in and to be honest, not a great deal to see at the place - however it had come to the point that given the number of fails we had suffered of late that anything was better than nothing.





Sadly not my cup of tea being a little bland, cramped and empty, but still very welcome after a relatively dull few months of repeat explores. Still looking for the epic, I give this a 3/10.

Schools Out, Forever - June 2016

Having popped by this old village school back in April  Zer081, Tbolt and myself took another sneaky look at this old village school again as we passed the area.

The building had gone down hill very quickly with signs of vandalism and a failed attempt of arson.








I still rather like this place.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Bailey Mill, Delph - after the fire June 2016

The evening of 14th June a fire ripped thru Bailey Mill's massive expanse with the seven-storey Listed building, ultimately the building collapsed and was unsaveable.

UntitledDonkey Mill

Passing, some ten days later, the area was still tainted with the lingering smell of smoke and now cordened off with very budget Heras style fence - not even secured to stop the little kids playing in the street getting in. Smoke and mirrors.

So here is what is left of this once proud building, now rubble and ashes.

Bailey Mill, Delph

Bailey Mill, Delph

A sad loss of industrial heritage, although I suspect the local householders may see it differently and are now possibly just a little bit glad to see the back of what had slowly become a blot on the landscape.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Phlegm dissected, Cities of Hope - May 2016

"Well that's shite" the old chap said with passion "it's just a big bloody crappy bottle".

It was, a bottle and I explained why I was photographing the shite, the old chap paused and looked on again, after a few moments of silence then came a firm response "that is bloody impressive, whoever painted that has far, far too much time on his hands".

Phlegm's piece for the Ancoats Dispensary Trust

So lets take a closer look and break it down and see the detail.

Phlegm's piece for the Ancoats Dispensary Trust

Phlegm's piece for the Ancoats Dispensary Trust

Phlegm's piece for the Ancoats Dispensary Trust

 Phlegm's piece for the Ancoats Dispensary Trust

In my eyes a masterpiece.

For more Phlegm get a butchers at this.

Cities of Hope, Street Art, Manchester - May 2016

Street artists gathered in Manchester the last week of May, the aim to highlight social injustice.

Whilst I didn't track them all down, I gave it a good go in my old stomping ground of Ancoats an the Northern Quarter.

First off we have Dale Grimshaw, a local artist, I first saw his work at the the ghost ship known as the Duke of Lancaster and his art is always colourful and stunningly good.

Dale Grimshaw, Cities of Hope

Next up Pichiavo, for the charity Guns to Goods.

Pichiavo for Guns to Goods

German Artist, Case, working for with charity Back on Track


The back of Tib Street, had a few crackers hidden away.

Cities of Hope - Hyuro & Tank Petrol, Manchester

A freehand painting of author Anthony Burgess, by Tankpetrol

Anthony Burgess by Tank Petrol

with Hyruo, painting for local charity, 43nd Street.

Hyuro, Manchester

Martin Whatson, painting for Hulme Community Garden Centre

Martin Whatson, Street Art, Manchester

Mateus Bailon

Mateus Bailon

I didn't catch them all, as I said, but one I did however snap was the mural by Phlegm for Ancoats Dispensary Trust - but I'm going dissect that piece a little more in my next post.

Prince by Akse P19, Manchester - May 2016

Late May 2016 and the Manchester Cities of Hope Festival was in full swing, Akse P19 being pretty much the street artist in resident in Manchester's Northern Quarter did his own thing.

Following on from the fantastic David Bowie artwork we stumbled upon Akse P19 hard at work on his tribute to Prince.

Here was the work in progress, please visit to see the finished art on the corner of Tib Street and Thomas Street.


Prince by Akse P19

Prince by Akse P19

Prince by Akse P19