

Saturday 31 October 2015

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania - October 2015

I'm not sure where I first read about the Hill of Crosses, but I suspect it was some click bait or article on the world's scariest places, my young daughter even told me it was number 7 in the world top ten of spookiest places.

Tucked away in the Lithuanian countryside is a growing collection of crosses, crucifixes, carvings, rosaries and effigies. Current estimates put the number of crosses at in excess of 140,000 and the number of crosses grows day by day.

It is believed the first crosses appeared after the 1831 uprising against the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union authorities bulldozed the site at least 3 times between 1944 and 1990.

We visited late evening as the sun fell and again early morning the following day.

We, being Tbolt, Tin Dog, Darmon Richter and myself, sadly didn't find it spooky at all despite what you may read elsewhere.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses Lithuania


Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

So to recap boys and girls, not spooky, not scary, not even urbex, just bloody good and a very peaceful place to visit.

A rare 10/10 from me - file under Excellent.


  1. Excellent pics Mr Frag and I'll second that not scary or spooky just really interesting and quite moving tbh.

  2. "Not spooky" I'm pretty sure being surrounded by old, creepy crosses is 'spooky'. Great pictures, though, Fraggle.
