

Thursday 7 July 2016

Manchester Victoria Arches

Victoria Arches, Manchester - or as it is sometimes known Cathedral Steps is a place of legend that lies beneath Manchester City Centre.

Built in 1838 into the embankment of the River Irwell, this former business area for the steam packet boats closed in 1906. Later converted to air raid shelters during World War 2, the shelters held 1,619 people.

Today blink and you will miss it, but underground it is vast.

In search of the Cathedral Steps

Tbolt had mentioned he wanted a visit to Lavino and a few days later Lavino had somehow magicked up a visit with a rather nice party from 28DL, now these folk have a reputation and once again I can confirm the reputation was totally unfounded, a group of spiffing fine gentlemen.

Paradox, Stanton, GK_Wax, Acid-Reflux, Vulex, Tom, Lavino, Tbolt and myself gathered with a jolly nice chap from Sheffield to meet our guides for the evening Mr and Mrs Bigjobs. Coolboyslim lingered in the shadows in case any bodies needed to be pulled from the river and identified.

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Victoria Arches (also known as Cathedral Steps) Manchester

Bottom line, Manchester's Victoria Arches is fascinating but in truth it is all about the company your with, the team work, the effort you have to put in just to get out and the "fuck me I've done it" feeling you get after you finally do get out. 10/10.

A big thank to all and most importantly to Mr and Mrs Bigjob for their time and patience.