

Friday, 3 June 2016

Cities of Hope, Street Art, Manchester - May 2016

Street artists gathered in Manchester the last week of May, the aim to highlight social injustice.

Whilst I didn't track them all down, I gave it a good go in my old stomping ground of Ancoats an the Northern Quarter.

First off we have Dale Grimshaw, a local artist, I first saw his work at the the ghost ship known as the Duke of Lancaster and his art is always colourful and stunningly good.

Dale Grimshaw, Cities of Hope

Next up Pichiavo, for the charity Guns to Goods.

Pichiavo for Guns to Goods

German Artist, Case, working for with charity Back on Track


The back of Tib Street, had a few crackers hidden away.

Cities of Hope - Hyuro & Tank Petrol, Manchester

A freehand painting of author Anthony Burgess, by Tankpetrol

Anthony Burgess by Tank Petrol

with Hyruo, painting for local charity, 43nd Street.

Hyuro, Manchester

Martin Whatson, painting for Hulme Community Garden Centre

Martin Whatson, Street Art, Manchester

Mateus Bailon

Mateus Bailon

I didn't catch them all, as I said, but one I did however snap was the mural by Phlegm for Ancoats Dispensary Trust - but I'm going dissect that piece a little more in my next post.

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