

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Our Chernobyl Diaries - coming soon

Well the flights are booked, the two day tour now organized, so our posse of 3 will travel to the Ukraine in March.

Having stumbled across (the now know to be fake website) Kid of Speed back in 2004, a seed was planted and was slowly festering in my brain.

This seed was not at first a plan to go to Chernobyl or Pripyat, but an idle interest in urban exploration or rather Armchair Urbex slotted between family, going to the pub and gorging on late night Xbox sessions.

Roll on Call of Duty and oh hang on....


Roll further on to 2010 and one of them dreaded school reunions and the next thing I know I'm out of the armchair and exploring derp with my now fellow explorer Urban Spaceman

2011 and I see reports of trips on Urbex websites to Chernobyl and Pripyat City, then the 2012 release of the movie Chernobyl Diaries - I've not watched the movie, I read it wasn't filmed on location and it was shot in Serbia and Hungary.

As a teenager in the United Kingdom the 1986 Chernobyl disaster pretty much passed me by and in researching the trip I have only just come to learn about the full scale of the disaster and scale of the deaths and ongoing long term horrific health issues of the population in the area, not forgetting the heroic teams who sacrificed their lives in the aftermath of the disaster.

What started as possible photographic urbex trip in December 2012 is now, I'm told by previous travelers to the zone, going to be a life changing experience.....

March 2013

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