

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Giant Mecanno Bridge, Bolton

Along the route of the old disused Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal, on the edge of Little Lever is a little area forgotten by many whose claim to fame was its name of Nob End.

Nob End, Bolton Canal

Nob End's claim to fame was that in 1936 a major landslip occurred causing a major breach in the canal, two boats were swept down to the River Irwell 30 metres below. Never repaired, the canal whole canal was officially disused in 1961.

However Nob End now has a new claim to fame, a giant Mecanno Bridge.

One the site of an old wooden horse bridge, destroyed over 50 years ago a new bridge is currently being built with giant Mecanno, the 6.4m bridge is being constructed using 400 giant Mecanno pieces and 700 nuts.

The bridge has been designed by artist Liam Curtin and the £90,000. cost paid for by a developer as part of a recent planning agreement with Bolton Council.

Anyway on with some pics



Giant Meccano bridge

 Giant Meccano bridge


 Giant Meccano bridge


 Giant Meccano bridge

Finally a big shout out to the Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society who despite all odds really are starting to make a difference and vast improvements to the canal in and around Little Lever.

- oh and thanks to Coxey for the info.

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