Sheer bloody mindedness encouraged by members of Duke of Lancaster Appreciation Society (DOLAS) and the shadowy art group Dudug has finally paid off with the discovery of possible "smoke and mirrors" tactics by the local council.

Over a period of 30 years the council stated firmly that access to the Duke of Lancaster was required for emergency vehicles and the only access was via a bridge which happened to only have a 10 tonne weight limit, the bottom line was the bridge was unsuitable for fire engines.
Now after persistent correspondence with the bridge owners, Network Rail, Ashley Gardner has now been able to reveal that the bridge was in fact suitable to for emergency vehicles and vehicles up to 24 tonne.

Flintshire County Council moved fast to deny claims of false obstacles in the local paper Daily Post today.
The ship now has growing interest from around the world from fans of the growing artwork, but other than local media interest and specialist art websites the mainstream media had yet to pick up on the story and amazing artwork of the Duke of Lancaster.
Well that was until the collective threw in a trump card with a photo special in the national newspaper
The Daily Mail on the same day as Flintshire County Councils denials.

With new facts uncovered and national mainstream media interest plus a possible national television feature on the cards, the outlook on the ships horizon might just be that little bit brighter.

The Duke of Lancaster and its artwork can be viewed at Mostyn, North Wales from the Welsh Coast Path, with close car parking at postcode CH8 9DX, it now has a growing list of talented international artists queuing up to exhibit work on the ship, its a trip well worth making.

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