

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Urbex News - December 2013 - January 2014

Happy New Year ! The rains coming down, the hangover is lingering and your boss wants you back at work any day, if not tomorrow !!

So settle down with your cup of tea, put your feet up and have some links to kill a few minutes, whilst avoiding the Daily Mail.

So first off we hop over the water to the Emerald Isle with some abandoned mines in Ireland with The Journal.

Boing Boing has an interesting article on the rise of the graffiti hunters that use Instagram whilst out on the mooch.

Over to Russia on the hunt for the truth behind the Metro 2 underground via Russia BTH.

Back over to England and we have details of an explore of Drake' Island, from The Herald, I'm sure I could spend a good few days pottering around this one.

 The New Statesman has an article on the long forgotten Victorian Hyperloop system in London, this article alone could send you off at a tangent for hours.

Oh my, the BBC have a video, its an interview with the authors of Sate of Decay.

And finally for your consideration, Google Glass - the release date is nearly upon us, will it change everything ?? Info from International Digital Times.

Until next time....

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