

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Urbex News - Feb to April 2014

Well we have a bit of catching up to do on the old news front, so hopefully we have a few little nuggets you may have missed.

Oh, this post has been sat in the draft folder for months and thus is not really news at all.

First off totally un-urbex, breaking my rule of posting news items from Daily Mail we have the tale of my pilot friend and his flight to Canada in a microlight.

- Clearly bonkers, he won The Britannia Trophy 2013, for excellence in aviation, presented by Prince Andrew and given this post has been kicking around so long in draft format you can now even buy the book.

First off we head to the Telegraph and explorers head to the top of the 'Walkie Talkie' building in London, not being one for dizzy heights myself - urrrrk !

As we watched the early stages of the Ukrainian troubles, this is one of the better articles on
Mr Yanukovych's pleasure palace, from The New York Times.

Ken Fager features in this article at Newscom.au  - warning folks contains HDR.

Oleg Mastruko features at Smithsonian, we are going a little highbrow in our search for derp, in this article on the world without people.

How to be an urban explorer - don't dismiss this one, I rather liked some of the pics on this one from Creative Loafing.

Now we are going a little highbrow with an article on The Economist, with an intro to urban exploration, nice pics and sound bite bollocks - strangely no mention of mills in Yorkshire full of pigeon shit.

Bloody hell, that Ken Fager chap again - a lot better pics on this one from WTVR via CNN.

Exploring the Soviet Bloc, via Gizmondo, now these photos are as good as it gets - look, look !! 

Until next time....

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