

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Nippon No Haikyo by Jordy Meow

I was going to fly out to Japan this October for an urbex trip or as the the Japanese call it Haikyo, but for various reasons it is not going to happen in 2014 (I'm still cursing).

In the mad scramble to gather and hoard information I managed to pick up a wonderful book, nay magical book !

Remember them?  book things? Many of us urban explorers type people are hoarders of such items and this one looked very special from the moment I carefully opened the large parcel that arrived from France, a 256 page hardback of oriental exploration.

Nippon No Haikyo by Jordy Meow

That's the good stuff, down side its in French (being English I do not naturally excel at any other language other than my own selfish mother tongue and my implementation of English is shocking to be very honest). 

Secondly given Nippon No Haikyo was published in 2013 and some of the places simply don't exist anymore and finally it would seem that currently copies are are little thin on the ground. However don't let this put you off adding the book your collection as this book is a total must have with photos ranging from derp to spooky and downright spectacular.

I picked mine up from Amazon (France) and Amazon (Japan) do still have a few copies, published by Pod, the book sampler below may also have copies for sale.

So I'm currently drooling over Nara Dreamland, sad I'm not going this year but plotting an alternative destination which is going to happen this Autumn....

10/10 from me with pride of place on my ever bowing bookshelves - hunt this book down !


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