

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Phlegm and Star Wars, Owlerton Stadium, Sheffield - March 2015

After a disappointing trip over to Sheffield, something caught my eye for a split second and I got Urban Spaceman to spin the car round and park up at Owlerton Stadium.

A quick scramble over the to the waste ground into the shell of an old building and well wonderful stuff for the eyes.

Phlegm, Prey to Some Wild Beast.

Phlegm, Prey to Some Wild Beast.

Phlegm, Prey to Some Wild Beast.

 “Prey to some wild beast” by Phlegm. Sheffield

Oh, you came for the Star Wars art, well here you go Han Solo and Boba Fett

Han Solo, Sheffield

Boba Fett, Sheffield

I was on the minutes, in fact my total stay was about three minutes and no doubt will pop in again next time I'm passing, but other art was scattered around the place.




A little gem of a place just out of eyes sight.

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