

Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Bus Graveyard, Lancashire

I'd seen the reports, I'd spotted it from the plane - It was on my doorstep, I just couldn't find it.....

Bus Graveyard, Bolton

Roll on 7 months and Urban Spaceman phones to say he has figured out the exact spot and off we went on another Sunday mooch.

Nice little place this, we had a chat with the farmer and swapped business cards and agreed to take some pictures of his new project in exchange for a mooch round his collection of decaying buses.

The buses are donor buses for a local preservation society and have slowly reduced in numbers over the years.











 Thanks for looking, this place was full of wildlife and the farmer would prefer you ask to mooch as he has a number of wildlife projects in hand.



  1. Hi, this is a perfect location for a short film I'm producing, could you pass details of where it is and who I can talk to? My email is Aailah at hotmail dot com
