Anyway its a shame not to share these, amazing colours and it was a place to remember, if only for the heat.
I've had good fortune to do a few trips to Abu Dhabi in 2009/2010 and it was the reason I bought myself my first DSLR, I've learnt a bit since taking these, but hope you like.
On to the madness of the local motorway to leave Abu Dhabi City and off into the empty desert roads into the Empty Quarter and you enter the Liwa Desert (after about 155km of driving). Whilst driving you see signs for places like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia - oh and Dubai (been a few times and had a McDonald's).
Liwa forms part of the Rub' al Khali Desert which is 250,000. sq miles and its hot, hitting 130f in July and August.

We drove into a camel camp, not tourist camels proper camels !!

The local farmer beckoned us in.

The farmer insisted I take a photo of this camel, his pride and joy it would seem.

Me and little Miss Fragglehunter (turns out she's not a fan of camels)

And off we go again

Some bugger kept insisting on taking my picture (from the air conditioned car I should add)

The day was catching up with us and we needed to head back home as the motorway is like Wacky Races at rush hour and after dark your looking at something along the lines of Death Race 2000.
Hope you liked and yes next time I'm thinking of taking a sledge....
PS I'm not a wealthy person. Being able to travel to Abu Dhabi is down to being fortunate enough to have very good and extremely kind friends who put up with me and the girls, feed us, water us and show us wonders of the UAE, such as Liwa.
Dedicated and Jon and Val and two fingers to the UK Government for the hike in flight tax (again!!!)
Without a camel ,human can't make their journey in the desert and as you no that liwa desert is the largest desert in the world and with a camel no one can stay and live there,,,,
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