

Saturday 28 December 2013

Cathedral Quarry, Little Langdale - December 2013

A return to Cathedral Quarry, sometimes known as Cathedral Cave, located in Cumbria or as I know it The Lakes.

My last visits had been in the 1980s, usually over the Christmas period - been a long time and it didn't disappoint.

I'm trying to track down these old haunts, this hopefully is one of many from my list to mark off.


Trust me, believe the sign, the ford was flooded, as was the part of the lower road to Tilberthwaite.

Little Langdale

So over the river via the bridge and up the hill brings you to Catherdral Quarry.

In these days of health and safety the signs simply say - be careful, now in the 80s the signs used to say "Keep Out", so in I went.


A dark damp hole in the ground, loved it and memories came flooding back of eating my lunch in this place every Christmas (not my Christmas dinner you understand, but usually over the Christmas holiday break).




Speaking of lunch, it was time to grab a sandwich and no sooner had I opened the my bag and this cheeky chap of a Robin landed inches from my food, a rather tame charmer of a bird.

 Cave dwelling Robin

We chatted, we ate, he posed (reading up on this little chap I now know he does hang about waiting for fools like me to pop into his lair and where upon he unleashes his pretty poses and bird like charms upon weary travelers) I snapped away.

 Cathedral Quarry, Little Langdale

Cathedral Quarry, Little Langdale

Cathedral Quarry, Little Langdale

 Cabin in the Woods

With the time not on my hands, I decided to visit another old haunt and made the walk back to the car as the hail and sleet started to rush down the from the mountains.

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