

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Just up the road from the developed Dean Clough Mills is Old Lane Mill, it was built for James Ackroyd in 1836 and is built with hammer dressed stone.

The building is now listed as it is the oldest and largest steam powered, iron framed textile mill in Halifax, stone floored in most areas - but don't let that fool you as the mill claimed a life a few years ago.

So it's a half decent Sunday morning, my usual fellow explorer is confined to barracks and I arrived a little early for a meet up with Judderman to say the least. Judderman had supplied me with his itinerary and boy does he know how to plan a day - but he was running a little late and his regular txts kept me up to speed with his tour of Yorkshire.

Whilst I'm sitting waiting to go in fly tippers nearly buried me in shite and when they spotted me warned me not to enter the building as it was a crack house. Shortly after a couple of passing pissed up old guys wandered past, then some chavs turned up - saw me and buggered off.

So clock watching and noting my pain killers for my back would be wearing off I decided to enter into the darkishness of a semi basement.

To be honest I don't like lone explores, apart from the usual safety reasons, I think the missing banter effects my photo mojo.

So here we go, a pretty relaxed wander, no signs of the crack house, not bad but I think I was just missing the banter and urbex camaraderie...

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

In you go !

Exit thru the gift shop

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

Old Lane Mill, Halifax

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