

Monday, 7 May 2012

Duke of Lancaster - return to the ghost ship, by air

After falling in love with this "dumped" ship after my visit last year I vowed to return in the plane and finish the job.

I was also conscious things may be developing as a group of video game collectors had traveled across from Europe after purchasing the now valuable collection of 80's video games that had languished in the ship for donkeys years.

We did a few circles to get these and yes, down below the little security man came out to have a look what was making all the din above.

Duke of Lancaster

Duke of Lancaster

Duke of Lancaster

Duke of Lancaster

Duke of Lancaster

A case of job done for me or was it ? We went back !!!


  1. Wonderful selection of photos m8!

    So lucky to have something so photgenic up there!

    Will visit soon


    1. Thanks for the feedback and get yourself up here !
